• Train at Unity Pond
    Train at Unity Pond
  • Great day for a train ride!
    Great day for a train ride!
  • Boarding the train at Brooks Station
    Boarding the train at Brooks Station
  • Riding the open air coach!
    Riding the open air coach!
  • Boarding the train at the Common Ground Country Fair - MOFGA station
    Boarding the train at the Common Ground Country Fair - MOFGA station
  • Fall Foliage Season
    Fall Foliage Season
  • Looking out the cab of #53
    Looking out the cab of #53
  • Train at Common Ground Country Fair - MOFGA Station
    Train at Common Ground Country Fair - MOFGA Station
  • Approaching Fowler Hill Crossing
    Approaching Fowler Hill Crossing
  • Heading to the Common Ground Country Fair
    Heading to the Common Ground Country Fair
  • Train at Brooks Station
    Train at Brooks Station


Note: If using a GPS, please use our address 212 Depot Street Unity Maine. 

Do not use our business name as you will end up at our Belfast Address. 

Set your GPS destination to 212 Depot Street in Unity.  Please make sure you:

  • Do not use our name "Belfast and Moosehead Lake Railroad" in your GPS as it will take you to our Belfast address and you'll miss your train.
  • Do not select the town of UNION.  It's the first "U" name in your GPS town list.

If traveling east from Waterville/Fairfield by route 139, the train station will be on your left as you travel down Depot Street.

If traveling West via 139 from Brooks or Thorndike, stay on 139 and the station will be on your right right after the Depot Store,

If traveling south on 202/220 from Bangor, stay on 220 and turn right onto Depot Street when you reach the junction with 139.  

If traveling north on 220 from points south, turn left onto Depot Street when 139 branches off 220.

If traveling north on 202 from points south, stay on route 139 when you reach Unity and turn right onto Depot Street as you follow 139.

or use Google Maps below to get customized driving directions.

Check-in: Please check in at the Railroad Station next to Cone'Z Ice Cream.